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Root canal treatment in Turkey

Root canal treatment is a popular dental procedure. Although root canal treatment is common, many people do not understand it and are often scared about undergoing it. However, root canal treatment is a simple procedure, and with an experienced dentist, you will have no issues.

Understanding what root canal treatment involves will make undergoing the procedure easy.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a natural cavity in the middle of the tooth. Some teeth have one canal, while others have several canals. The pulp, which is the soft tissues, and the main nerves of the tooth, is inside the canal.

When is root canal in Turkey therapy necessary?

The mouth has naturally-occurring bacteria, and their impact on the teeth is minimal, but in some cases, the bacteria can enter the tooth. This may result from tooth decay, a loose filling or any damage to the teeth.

When bacteria enter the root canal, they cause infection in the pulp. The infection may kill the pulp, which allows the bacteria to spread further, leading to the symptoms below.

  • Discomfort from chewing food
    You may experience tooth sensitivity when drinking or eating something cold or hot.
  • Loose teeth
    After the initial discomfort, your teeth may appear to get better, but the infection may likely be spreading further. If your tooth pulp is dead from the initial infection, you will not experience any pain for a while, but as this infection progresses, the symptoms will worsen. You may notice swollen gums around the infected area, and your tooth may become loose.
  • Pus
    Your tooth may become darker due to the presence of pus
  • Facial swelling
    A progressed infection may lead to swelling that also affects your face. You can prevent these issues by visiting your dentist when you experience tooth pain. Your dentist can offer treatment to prevent the infection from spreading and save the tooth.

How to diagnose a root canal issue

Your symptoms will help the dentist to diagnose a root canal issue. You will also have a dental exam of your teeth and the surrounding areas and an x-ray. The dentist may recommend root canal treatment if you have signs of infection on a tooth and tooth decay.

You may start the root canal treatment immediately or schedule another appointment for the treatment. Undergoing root canal treatment early will prevent the infection and increase the chances of saving the tooth.

Root canal in Turkey procedure

Root canal therapy may involve one or several visits to the dental clinic, and treatment is personalised for every patient. A root canal treatment may involve the following steps.

  • The dentist will administer anaesthesia in the area that requires treatment
  • The dentist will place a dental dam around the infected tooth to prevent bacteria from spreading and keep saliva out of the area. A dental dam is a thin latex sheet
  • The dentist will make a small opening on top of the tooth to access the root canals
  • They will use root canal files to access the root canal and remove bacteria and the dead pulp. The next step is flushing the canals with water to clean them, then shaping the canal for filling
  • If the surrounding area is severely infected, the dentist may apply medication to the area and then top it with a temporary filling. In this case, you will return on a later date for the remaining treatment. Otherwise, the dentist will proceed with the following
  • The dentist will fill the space using biocompatible substances, usually gutta-percha. This is a rubber-like substance that the dentist places on the teeth using an adhesive cement
  • If the tooth requires more structure, the dentist may fit a post to hold the tooth in place and preserve its function
  • After the treated tooth settles, the dentist will place a crown on it

Is root canal treatment painful?

Many people think a root canal treatment is extremely painful, so they avoid the procedure. If you are concerned about pain, you shouldn’t because the dentist will administer local anaesthesia before the treatment.

This prevents any pain from drilling, cleaning and sealing the tooth. The only discomfort may occur if you leave your mouth open for a long time. You may also feel numb immediately after your treatment and gradually get used to it.

What you should expect after root canal Turkey treatment

When the anaesthetic wears off, you may experience slight pain, which is normal. The pain and discomfort will gradually subside in two days, but if they persist, contact the dentist. Your dentist may inform you that experiencing prolonged soreness is normal.

If you have a serious infection, the dentist may need to do a lot of work inside the root canals, and your tooth will need a longer time to heal. Sometimes, it takes about six months for the tooth to feel normal.

However, always inform your dentist how you feel. You will have a temporary filling if your root canal treatment requires several visits. Temporary fillings aren’t durable and can easily be loose. Ensure you avoid chewing on the side of your teeth with filling until a crown is placed on the tooth.

If you have a temporary filling, ensure you make your next appointment because you will get the permanent and secure restoration at the appointment.

How long will the effect of root canal results last?

Most dental professionals state that root canal treatment is about 95% effective, meaning the procedure is effective. The 5% uncertainty about the procedure’s effectiveness is because some teeth have more than one canal. This makes it difficult to remove all infected tissues, and the infection may reoccur.

A tooth with more canals may be difficult to seal up all entry points for bacteria, leaving space for the infection to reoccur. However, reinfection is less likely to occur if your dentist carefully cleans and seals all root canals.

Besides having a high success rate, root canal treatments make the treated teeth last longer. If you do not undergo root canal treatment for an infected tooth, you can lose the teeth, but with a root canal, the tooth can last a lifetime.

Follow-up appointments after root canal treatment

If your root canal treatment is successful, you may not need to see the dentist for a while. However, ensure you have a check-up after six months to ensure the procedure was successful. If the dentist does not notice any issue, they may schedule another appointment within five years.

Consider visiting your dentist at least yearly for your regular check-ups. Root canal treatment doesn’t prevent you from having other cavity issues, and after emptying your root canal, you may not feel pain even when you have other dental issues until it is late.

Maintaining your teeth after a root canal treatment

You can do several things to ensure your teeth remain infection-free after your root canal treatment. The following can prevent the risk of oral issues.

  • Ensure you practice good oral hygiene, including flossing and brushing your teeth daily.
  • Use the recommended mouthwash from your dentist. Some medicated mouthwashes can prevent bacteria accumulation in your mouth
  • Eat healthy foods and reduce your sugar intake- your diet plays a significant role in your oral health, and taking the right amount of nutrients can reduce the risk of different dental issues
  • Smoking increases the risk of developing root canal issues – stopping smoking can considerably reduce your risk of developing oral health issues
  • Depending on your dental health, dental visits every 3 – 4 months for professional dental care may be necessary- professional dental cleaning will remove plaque and bacteria that regular home dental care cannot remove. Your dental exams will also help identify dental uses early before they need extensive treatment.

Root canal or tooth extraction?

Many people wonder if a tooth extraction is a better option with the steps involved in a root canal treatment. However, your dentist will only recommend extracting a tooth if no treatment can save the tooth.

Root canal treatment is usually the first recommendation because it causes fewer issues in the long run. After extracting a tooth, you will need an implant which requires more appointments. A root canal therapy allows you to save your natural teeth, which have a better chewing and biting function. Your dentist will decide the most suitable option.

If you need a root canal treatment in Turkey, you can visit Smile Makeover Turkey for your treatment. You can also call Smile Makeover Turkey on 020 3475 8257 or send a WhatsApp message to 905548577197 to book an appointment with our experienced dentist for your root canal treatment.