Only a small amount of teeth usually remains after root canal treatment and other dental treatments for large carious lesions, which leave weak dentine tissues and thin tooth walls. The reduction of the tooth after removing diseased or damaged areas leaves little or no contact of the treated tooth with the other tooth.
In these cases, applying large fillings to the tooth will not preserve the tooth’s structure, but you can get a better restoration like inlay and onlay dental fillings. These dental fillings are specially made for a tooth with only a small remaining structure.
You can get inlays and onlays after any dental treatment or condition that leaves only a small amount of the natural tooth structure.
Dental inlays and onlays are durable porcelain ceramic fillings applied after the loss of a significant amount of natural tooth material, which composite filling cannot restore. Inlay and onlay treatment preserves the teeth structure for a longer period. Fitting inlays and onlays will restore the teeth to their original shape.
These are dental restorations applied to smaller tooth areas and the inner area of the tooth. They cover protrusions called tubercles on the chewing teeth surfaces. This restoration is similar to composite fillings.
They are restorations applied on the upper tooth surface and larger areas with more loss of the natural tooth structure.
Inlay and onlay restorations give a more aesthetic result than porcelain ceramic fillings. After the dentist cleans the decayed tooth tissues, they will take your tooth measures to make the inlay and onlay restorations in the lab. When these dental restorations are available, the dentist will fit them on the tooth.
At Smile Makeover Turkey, we offer inlays and onlay fillings to patients who want an aesthetic and comfortable dental restoration.
We often use inlays and onlays following an excessive loss of the teeth material. If the decayed part of the tooth is large, the area the dentist will remove will be large. After cleaning caries, about a third of the tooth structure may remain; in this case, inlay and onlay ceramic fillings are a better option than composite fillings.
These fillings may be a good option after removing old amalgam filling. They protect the teeth, and the ceramic materials offer longer-lasting protection for the teeth.
If you have an extensively damaged tooth that needs a lot of fitting but cannot hold a dental crown, our dentist will likely recommend inlays and onlays.
Before fitting inlay and onlay dental restorations, the dentist will apply local anaesthesia, just like in a composite filling procedure. The dentist will clean caries in the tooth and measure the remaining tooth structure.
Your dentist will send the measurements to the dental lab, where the technician will make your filling. Your treatment will be complete after fitting the inlay and onlay restoration. This will be in the second appointment.
The cost of inlays and onlays in Turkey depends on the size of the restoration you need. Inlays are usually for smaller areas, which makes inlays less expensive than onlays.
Inlays and onlays cost more than other dental fillings, but they are more aesthetic and offer a better restoration of extensively damaged teeth.
Inlay and onlay dental fillings and composite fillings are similar to the natural tooth colour. However, you can apply composite fillings on the tooth the same day after cleaning the decayed tooth. With the inlays and onlays application, you need two appointments.
After the tooth cleaning, the dentist will apply the porcelain filling and measure the remaining tooth structure. You will have the inlays and onlays fitted on your next appointment.
Inlay and onlay dental fillings are more resistant to pressure from chewing and are harder. This makes them last longer than a composite filling. These porcelain fillings do not get stained or discoloured. Your composite filling may gradually discolour or stain if you do not have a good oral hygiene routine.
Ceramic fillings can last 10 – 15 years without losing the original structure. However, your ceramic filling can last 20 – 30 years with proper oral care. Some people have their inlays and onlays throughout their life.
Inlays and onlays protect the teeth for a long period. They are more resistant to breaking and durable than other filling materials, making ceramic fillings safe. However, proper care can extend the lifespan of the other fillings.
You can get inlays and onlays at Smile Makeover Turkey. Call us today on 020 3475 8257 or send a message on WhatsApp to 905548577197 to book an appointment with our dentist for your durable dental restoration.