A great smile is not gifted to all of us. There are those with amazing natural smiles, and there are some of us that need aesthetic procedures to correct our smiles. Kindly note that teeth are not all that matters in a smile. The gums are important as well. This is to say that smile enhancement does not only revolve around teeth straightening, whitening, or gap closure. Caring for your gums would help make your smile better. And the way to begin is to brush and floss at home.
This post will answer some of the frequently asked questions on gum contouring and reshaping.
Gum contouring is an aesthetic procedure to alter the shape of your gum, so they are equal or to make the teeth appear longer. Where your teeth are too exposed, more gum can be added to the existing ones via grafting to add coverage to the teeth. The treatment can be aesthetic; however, it is mostly performed as a solution to receding gum as a result of periodontitis. Gum contouring is a treatment we are able to offer at Smile Makeover Turkey. Our experienced dentists use a dental laser to contour the gums. As a matter of fact, we can perform both grafting and gum contouring in Turkey.
Honestly, you get to decide if you should have your gum contoured or not. However, our ideal patients for gum reshaping are people suffering from gum asymmetry or whose gum is overly long or short. The condition of your teeth plus dental health is another precursory consideration to gum contouring. For cases of tooth decay or disease of the gum, they need to be treated first. Without that, reshaping the gum or some kind of aesthetic treatment will likely not go well.
Sure. Our cosmetic dentist, with the aid of a laser, will take out the surplus gum tissue and set out a new gum line to make your teeth more visible. Gummy smile treatment does not cause pain, and patients recover faster.
Insufficient gum is a condition called gum recession, and when this happens, your teeth will be more exposed than it should. This exposure can attract toxic bacteria to the root of the teeth. When they enter, they will wear down the bone and cause decay and periodontitis.
Should this be the case, our dentists will first treat the gum diseases prior to planning a gum grafting. After the present infection has been treated, gum can be grafted from your palate and placed on the insufficient gum area. The dentist will now mould and set out a new gumline for your teeth.
Laser gum reshaping may cause mild pain post-procedure, but because laser is used, discomfort and swelling will be very minimal. Another important thing is that the method is precise, minimally invasive, and recuperating doesn't take long. Gum reshaping and grafting over a large area can cause pain after the procedure, but our dentists will offer post-care advice on how to clean the area, food to eat and any other relevant care for the treated area in the days after the procedure.
You have minimal odds of being infected in the event that the contoured gum area is large. But in a majority of treatments, patients heal a couple of days after the procedure.
Don't hide away an unpleasant smile when there are so many treatment options to fix your smile today. We offer a zero-cost aesthetic evaluation of your smile when you schedule your gum reshaping in Turkey. Our procedure is highly advanced and effective, and we give all our patients the best dental care at our practice. All you have to do now is book an appointment with our friendly team and leave the rest to our capable hands.
Should it be that your question on gum contouring was not addressed here, don't worry about that. Only write down your questions and bring them along to your consultation, and we will ensure all your concerns have been addressed before your leave. At Smile Makeover Turkey, we live up to our name, and your case will not be difficult to treat today.